Чудова новина! Наш проект "STEM-ART фестиваль "Яблуко" посів друге місце на міжнародному конкурсі 2017 STEM Discovery week в номінації "STEM-подія"! Міжнародне журі високо оцінило якість нашої роботи. Нас запросили взяти участь в 15-му семінарі-практикумі наукових проектів "the Future Classroom Lab" (SPW@FCL), що проходитиме в Брюсселі 23-25 червня під егідою Европейської організації Scientix!!!
Запрошуємо всіх переглянути наш проект.
The STEM Discovery Week from 24 to 30 April 2017 celebrated all the opportunities that studies and careers in the field of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) have to offer. Taras Shevchenko Himnazia joined the celebrations by running a whole school STEM event called STEM-ART Fest "Apple". It turned out a great festival in which participated not only all students and teachers of our school, but also members of a wider community, like local farmers, entrepreneurs and representatives of STEM professions. The event was held under the aegis of the Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine and Kirovohrad In-Service Teacher Training Institute. The main aim of the event was to raise awareness about STEM studies and careers. The event became a part of the European STEM Discovery Week and was advertised on the Scientix website.
Запрошуємо всіх переглянути наш проект.
The STEM Discovery Week from 24 to 30 April 2017 celebrated all the opportunities that studies and careers in the field of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) have to offer. Taras Shevchenko Himnazia joined the celebrations by running a whole school STEM event called STEM-ART Fest "Apple". It turned out a great festival in which participated not only all students and teachers of our school, but also members of a wider community, like local farmers, entrepreneurs and representatives of STEM professions. The event was held under the aegis of the Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine and Kirovohrad In-Service Teacher Training Institute. The main aim of the event was to raise awareness about STEM studies and careers. The event became a part of the European STEM Discovery Week and was advertised on the Scientix website.
Посилання на сайт Scientix: http://www.scientix.eu/
Really wonderful! I am sure it was creative, educational, exciting and unique!
ВідповістиВидалитиНарешті ознайомилась з вашим проектом. Класний, інтегрований, насичений. Браво, колективу однодумців на чолі з керівництвом! Мені здається, що вас не "лякає" майбутнє, а тільки "вабить". Успіхів!
ВідповістиВидалитиТак, Наталіє, Ви праві, ми не боїмося експериментувати, імплементувати інноваційні ідеї. В цьому секрет нашого успіху.