Smithsonian and Cricket Media bring you the 2015 Folklorist Challenge. 1. What is it?
Students explore a cultural tradition in their community and interview a tradition bearer (a person who practices the tradition). This interview forms the basis for their creation of a submission, by eligible students, to the Global Folklorist Challenge. As noted in the challenge's official rules, there are parents and interview release forms which are easily available to you.2. How do students participate?
As teams or individuals, students follow the folklorist process: research, document, interpret and present. Create a video or slideshow that showcases the story of the tradition and tradition bearer to share and submit to the challenge on or before November 30, in accordance with the official rules and accomplished by the required entry forms and parent permissions.3. Why do students participate?
Spark student interest in the culture, learn about global traditions and be elibigle to win prizes!View the Folklorist Challenge rules here.
Quick reminder, dear colleagues: this project is a part of our Foreign Languages Week activities.
It's an interesting project! It gives us opportunity to lern different cultures and share our customs and traditions!
ВідповістиВидалитиThanks, Tetyana. We are really lucky to be able to communicate with representatives of different cultures through international project work and inform the world about Ukraine.