субота, 27 серпня 2016 р.

Annual pre-school city conference for EFL teachers.

25/08/2016 about 40 EFL teachers from Kropyvnytskyi participated in the Annual Pre-school City EFL Teachers' Conference which took place in Kirovohrad Regional Universal Research Library named after D.I.Chizhevsky  Among the presenters were Svitlana Bondarenko, the local methodologist, Margaryta Kaliuzhna, a MIEExpert and Hanna Dudich, a MIEExpert and a PenPal Schools Global Ambassador.
Svitlana Bondarenko made the analysis of the work of foreign languages teachers in 2015-2016 school year and presented documents from the Ministry of Education for the new school year. Margaryta Kaliuzhna spoke about using Microsoft Office 365 for educational purposes.
Hanna Dudich spoke about developing 21st century skills through project-based learning, introduced ed-tech tools, such as Nearpod and VR kits and encouraged teachers to work with PenPal Schools website.
Please find attached the presentation and the PenPal Schools teachers' kit.

пʼятниця, 19 серпня 2016 р.

Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts 2016-2017.

I am extremely happy to become Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2016-2017!!! Congrats to all my friends-educators who are also on this list: Boyko Lyudmyla, Chernobryvets Lyudmyla, Dyka Svitlana, Kaliuzhna marharyta, Kyrychkov Yaroslav, Moturnak Yevhen, Taran Iryna, Yeryomenko Olena, I am proud to be in your company! Looking forward to another amazing year with Microsoft.
If you want to join the group, sign up on Microsoft in Education website https://education.microsoft.com/

PenPal Schools global ambassador.

It's professional development season! As a PenPal Schools Global Ambassador, I hosted a session on "Developing 21st Century Skills Through Project-Based Learning" for about 30 colleagues from Novoukrainka region this week. Thanks for inviting, I enjoyed every minute of it! I used PenPal Schools Teacher Resource Kit and you can, too!
Download here: http://bit.ly/2bDmq6x
If you have any questions about PenPal Schools, please contact me, I'll be glad to help.

Готуємось до нового навчального року.

Літо ще не закінчилося, а вчителі англійської мови гімназії вже активно займаються професійним розвитком і самовдосконаленням. 15-16 серпня Інна Яковцева відвідала дводенний семінар-тренінг "Твій сучасний підручник", що був організований центром іноземних мов ТСП спільно з видавництвами Oxford, Macmillan та Hueber. Інна Олексіївна ознайомилася з новими НМК з англійської та німецької мов, поділилась з колегами досвідом викладання іноземної мови за сучасними підручниками. Так тримати! Чудовий початок нового навчального року.

четвер, 18 серпня 2016 р.

Nearpod webinar VR in the classroom.

I took part in a great Nearpod VR webinar today. Great tips on using VR in the classroom! You can sign up for their webinars on the Nearpod website: https://nearpod.com/
Here is the recording of the webinar
Here is the link to the workshop plan:
All the materials were kindly shared by Bethany Marcusson and Andrea Vélez, two very pleasant members of the Nearpod team with whom I had a very interesting Skype conversation.