пʼятниця, 29 січня 2016 р.

Учитель online

Ви можете зареєструвати свій персональний учительський сайт чи блог. Для цього просто заповніть розміщену за посиланням форму https://sites.google.com/site/teachblogs/
З каталогом вчительських блогів можна ознайомитись за посиланням  https://sites.google.com/site/teachblogs/katalog

четвер, 21 січня 2016 р.

Вчитель року. Міський етап. Майстер-клас.


Participate Learning. Developing 21st century skills through project-based learning.

Recently I came across a very interesting platform for educators called Participate Learning. Participate Learning is a free collection and collaboration platform that lets teachers quickly find, collect and share digital resources. Educators can easily create their own collections from several thousand expert-vetted, standards-aligned resources for hundreds of Pre-K - 12 subject areas. They can also add any URL addressable resources (website, iTunes, YouTube, Dropbox, Evernote, etc.) and upload their own files (lesson plans, pictures, videos, etc.). While building collections, educators can also invite an unlimited number of colleagues and others in their personal learning networks to contribute resources to their collections. The first step is to register for a free account with Participate Learning. You can generate an Embed code for a blog, website or learning management system, and share your collection directly on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Here is my collection called "Developing 21st century skills through project-based learning."

A list of websites for international project work.


понеділок, 11 січня 2016 р.

Week of English. Drama Show.

Romeo and Juliet by the students of 10-B form.

Anna Dudich's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Let's rock grammar - 2nd Conditional

Dear friends, I'd like to share with you my friend's lesson on 2nd Conditional. Please meet Magdalena Dygala, an English teacher from Poland with her lesson "Let's rock grammar!"


Шановні колеги, продовжуємо в новому році займатись самоосвітою. Пропоную добірку вебінарів від провідних видавництв:
  • Запрошуємо приєднатися до міжнародного вебінару від видавництва "Макміллан" - "New for 2016"! Це чудова нагода почути про всі новинки, які ми підготували для Вас  у 2016 році: нові ресурси, конкурси, нові та оновлені курси! Буде цікаво, обіцяємо!
    Дата: 13 січня 2016 року. Вебінар буде складатися з двох частин:
    11.00-12.00 та 16.00-17.00 (за українським часом!)
    Реєстрація та детальна інформація на сайті www.macmillanenglish.com/events/new-for-2016/ 
  • Webinars from "Delta Publishing": Join our leading Business English authors for 5 free live professional development webinars running from February to April 2016. All you will need to take part is a computer and internet connection. Participants attending 4 or 5 live webinars
    will receive a participation certificate.
    Wednesday 10th February 16:00 GMT Going Mobile: Teaching and learning with mobile devices with Nicky Hockly & Gavin Dudeney
    Wednesday 24th February 16:00 GMT Engaging busy people! with Julie Pratten
    Wednesday 9th March 16:00 GMT Leading People Internationally with Steve Flinders
    Wednesday 23rd March 16:00 GMT Knowing your customers and clients with Richard Nicholas
    Wednesday 6th April 16:00 GMT Managing Change with Fiona Mee
    Click here to find out more about each webinar and to register.
  • A webinar from "Oxford University Press" "Perspectives on Lesson Planning" with John Hughes (one of my Oxford tutors, highly recommended) Dates: 19th and 22nd January 2016, Times: 10:00 - 11:30 and 15:30 - 17:00 (GMT)  Registration link: https://elt.oup.com/events/global/perspectives_on_lesson_planning?cc=gb&selLanguage=en&mode=hub