понеділок, 29 лютого 2016 р.

Teachers At The Heart Scholarship Competition Results.

Dear colleagues, I participated in Macmillan  Teachers At The Heart Scholarship Competition. Whilst I was not successful on this occasion, the experience was still great. It was a good opportunity to summarize all projects and creative work done at our school at the lessons of English. By way of thanks and as official recognition for our efforts, Macmillan team have created a special Certificate of Participation for all participants to download and keep. Thank you, Macmillan! Looking forward to new exciting competitions!

субота, 27 лютого 2016 р.

Write on! Ukraine.

Today the students of our school Kostyantyn Shtompel (teacher Vanda Levchenko) and Anastasia Klembovska (teacher Oksana Romashchenko) participated in the WRITE ON! UKRAINE 2016 creative writing competition. Good luck to our students in this contest and great thanks to their teachers for promoting creativity and motivating to learn!


Video lesson. Travelling.

Dear colleagues, I'd like to share with you the lesson of a wonderful teacher, a finalist of "The Teacher of the Year - 2016" regional competition, my new friend Natalia Bratko. I especially enjoyed a self-assessment activity at the end of the lesson and I'll definitely try it in my class. I'm sure, you'll also find some interesting activities and teaching tips at this lesson.

неділя, 21 лютого 2016 р.

Healthy Food. My Lesson.

Dear colleagues, here is a video of my lesson with a group of 10th formers on the topic "Healthy Food". I prepared this lesson for the local teachers' contest. You can find in it the use of Plickers for formative assessment, QR codes for setting home task, differentiation techniques, developing critical thinking with the help of Venn diagrams, group work and other elements which I enjoy using at the lesson. I'll be glad if you find time to leave your comments. By the way, you are free to use any part of the lesson if you find it useful.
Special thanks to the regional methodologist Svitlana Zhyvitska for help and support and to the cameraman Volodymyr Zhyvitskyi for a wonderful lesson recording!

Hanna Dudich.

Get Ready for Independent Testing (ZNO)

Here are ZNO mock tests from Pearson-Dinternal methodologists:

Here is the link for downloading https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwWlJ5iNWE2cTVdDWWJNMmpSc2c/view?usp=sharing

середа, 3 лютого 2016 р.

Компоненти готовності педагога до інноваційної діяльності

3.02.2016 в гімназї відбулась педагогічна рада. Пропоную ознайомитись з виступом учителя англійської мови Ромащенко Оксани Анатолїіни на тему "Компоненти готовності педагога до інноваційної діяльності"

вівторок, 2 лютого 2016 р.

February webinars for ELT from Pearson

On each Saturday of February go on-line with Pearson and talk shop with our ELT experts!


Заходи від видавництва "Макміллан" на лютий.

1. 9 лютого: вебінар (Україна) "Техніка проведення онлайн тестування". Презентатор - Інна Нестоїтер, методист видавництва. Час: 16.00 - 17.00. Реєстрація на сайті www.macmillanukraine.com у розділі "Заходи". Приєднуйтесь до нас!
2. 10 лютого: вебінар (Лондон) "Happy Birthday Onestopenglish". В цьому році ми святкуємо 15 років ресурсному сайту для вчителів onestopenglish.com. Деталі та реєстрація на сайті www.macmillanenglish.com/events/happy-birthday-onestopenglish/
3. 16 лютого: вебінар (Україна) "Особливості підготовки до ДПА у 2016 році". Презентатор - Інна Нестоїтер, методист видавництва. Час: 16.00 - 17.00. Реєстрація на сайті www.macmillanukraine.com у розділі "Заходи".

понеділок, 1 лютого 2016 р.

My motherland: the place where I live, the place I love the most.

Please have a look at the essays written by our students for the "Linguist" competition. We are very proud of our children! Special thanks to Tetyana Dyakonenko, Oksana Romashchenko, Inna Yakovtseva and Hanna Dudich who encouraged their students to take part in this contest.

Write on! Ukraine competition

Dear friends, I'd like to tell you about a great new competition An International Creative Writing Competition Organized by Peace Corps Volunteers.
Here is the web link to the page where you can get more information: https://writeonukraine.wordpress.com/